Monday, January 18, 2010

time to start blogging again

It has been an interesting December and January.  I had no time to catch up on daily chores and that ever nagging "to do" list but I did take some time to reflect on life.  With this said I have decided that for the next few months I will be focusing on my creative side.  With my temporary lay off at work I realize that I have been given the gift of time.  My first plan is to make two inspiration boards for my office.  This will help me keep focused on projects and coax the cobwebs from my mind.  Next is to break out the sewing machine to figure out if I still remember the skills I learned years ago.  I have some darling children's clothing patterns I am dying to stitch up. The next couple of months will be interesting.  I have a huge project list but have also taken our youngest out of daycare so will I be able to juggle both? 

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