Tuesday, March 30, 2010

bath time sprinkles

I found this story at the Cascadian Farms facebook page.  I thought it offered a great solution to the many skin irritations children encounter.  Living in the high mountains the entire family suffers from extreme dry skin and a little excema.  I think I may try this during our next bath.
Everyone loves a luxurious bubble bath – especially kids. But for children with sensitive skin or issues like diaper rashes, UTI’s, etc., bubble baths may not be an option. My two year old daughter struggles with eczema and severe diaper rashes. Many days, I can’t even use a mild soap on her skin, let alone have her soak in a bubble bath. So, I tickle her fingers and toes with baking soda “sprinkles” and she is thrilled!
It all started when she was an infant and I was at a loss of how to soothe her inflamed bottom. Olivia’s diaper rashes can flare up in minutes and turn into open wounds. Along with treating her rashes with a wide assortment of creams, I started soaking her in a baking soda bath to ease her discomfort. The baking soda neutralizes the acidity and balances the pH levels on her skin helping to heal her diaper rashes. At two, Olivia still endures painful rashes and I always use baking soda to treat them. But whether she has an active rash or not, at bath time I still reach for the baking soda.  When my sister’s daughters are here for bath time, they too cry for “sprinkles!” They all think it is such a riot to be dusted with the soft, silky powder. And, since baking soda is inexpensive, I can sprinkle away for a cost effective, natural, bath time solution.  More about the article and author Janice Croze,

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