Saturday, August 28, 2010

traveling alone with two kids

I am exhausted.  It has been a bit more than 24 hours since returning home from a two week, 2,498 mile, three state road trip with a 1.5 year old and a 4 year old.  I have not had a moments rest since landing back in Jackson.  Did I mention that I did this trip alone?  Yep, just me and the two kids.

Friends told me I was crazy but I really wanted to take the kids to my home town to visit family.  Flying was too expensive so driving seemed the best solution, plus it is summer and aren't we supposed to spend days in the car for our summer vacation?  That is how I spent my childhood and I have fond (and funny) memories of those trips.  I planned, boy did I plan.  I tried to think of every and anything that could happen or we would need.  In hindsight I think I did a pretty good job but probably overdid it in the toy department.  My original plan was to drive from Jackson Hole to Des Moines in two days - nine hours each day.  A couple of days prior to leaving I realized that, although it is a realistic goal, I should have an alternative plan in case of mishaps.  I decided to tack on an additional 1.5 hours to each days adventure for potty breaks, lunch and road construction.  This proved to be right on target that tacked on an additional half day onto our journey.

Here is my list of how I survived:
  • Hit a discount store (such as the Dollar Store) before you leave.  Pick up stickers, toys, pipe cleaners, etc for surprise activities while driving.  Keep these in a bag in the front seat pulling them out when the kids need a new distraction.
  • A friend recommended a dry erase board with tracing alphabet, numbers and shapes for my four year old.  This was a life saver!  G loved it.  (found it at Staples)
  • DVD player and videos - I like the Scholastic series as it appeals to kids of various ages.  We have all our favorite stories including Harold and the Purple Crayon, Knuffle Bunny, The Snowy Day, Where the Wild Things Are, Good Night Gorilla and Pete's A Pizza.  Each video lasts one hour with five or more animated stories each.
  • For sanity sake I loaded a bunch of new songs on my I-shuffle and put a plug in one ear.  This allowed me to hear the kids or any emergency issues outside while still enjoying my own music.  It was a wonderful distraction for me while driving across the entire state of Nebraska on I-80. I didn't do this the entire drive but in 1 hour incriments for a break. 
  • Snacks - keep them simple.  Each child got a Camelback water bottle for non-spill sipping.  Up front I kept a supply of "squeezy" fruit , pretzels, graham crackers and other simple foods.  A small cooler kept string cheese, fruit salad and a soda (for me!) within arm's reach. 
  • Map out your lunch stop and decide on a restaurant before you drive into town.  After 4 hours in the car the last thing I wanted to do is drive around an unknown town looking for a place to eat. 
  • Map out two overnight destinations - along with your goal location choose a hotel 1 to 1.5 hours earlier in case you have to end for the night.  
  • Always make a lodging reservation before starting your journey.  I choose a property that offers a hot cooked breakfast or, at the least, waffles.  This guarantees the kids are full and happy when we hit the road for another long day of driving.  Most properties offers a cancel policy of 4pm day of arrival with no fee so calling to cancel one property is simple.
  • If you need a crib make sure you add that information to your reservation.  I like to call the day of arrival to confirm that one will be available and I pack my own sheets for a crib / pack and play.  I have stayed in hotels that dont offer a sheet or wash them in harsh detergents (which can cause rashes). 
  • Have your child choose one favorite stuffed animal to share in the journey.  I also throw in a small blanket for each kid as we are not accustomed to air conditioning and get chilled.  
  • G is in a booster chair (with the back attached).  Naps tend to be uncomfortable with his poor head flopping about.  We have a small travel pillow that gets tucked under his seatbelt across his chest close to his head/ear.  He is able to hug it while resting his head.  We didnt have any problems with his naps and didnt have to buy anything special.  
  • K is still in diapers but G is not.  For "just in case" situations I threw his small training potty, some plastic grocery bags and wet wipes in the back of the car.  Only once did we have to pull over on the interstate for an emergency potty break but thank goodness we were able!  I lined the potty with the bag and he was able to go "number 2" while I had easy clean up afterwards. Rest stops can be few and far between and I dont always want to take the kids into a gas station for relief.  Candy, pop and junk can be too much of a distraction for them and total frustration for me.
  • Umbrella Stroller - wow did this come in handy!  Every stop we made had the 1.5 year old in the stroller.  I was able to help G with the bathroom, allow me to use the restroom as well, carry a tray of food to our table, etc.  The one we have is small and just laid on top of the suitcases.
  • Be flexible.  Be willing to let go of your expectations and go with the flow.  Hard as it is for me to do this I managed and found the trip to go so much smoother. 
I am sure I am forgetting some details so will add as they come back to me.  I have to admit that the entire trip did not go smooth.  On our return home we spent the night in North Platte, Nebraska.  I found that going to bed with the kids around 8:30pm allows everyone a good night' sleep.  K woke crying at 9:45pm and did not settle back down until 1:30am.  Remarkably, G slept through this but I was a wreck.  At 3:30am G decided to climb into bed with me, sleeping for one more hour before deciding that he was hungry and wanting to get breakfast. After another hour of begging him to go back to sleep and various threats we all awoke and started our day (at 5:30am!).  I was over tired, over cranky while facing 5 hours of driving.  Red bull, telephone calls to friends, and heavy metal music kept me awake long enough to make it to my in-laws house where I took a 2 hour nap.  

Please add your best travel suggestions with kids as I could use a few new ideas for our next trip in November.  Thanks and welcome back.  I have been MIA for awhile, havent I?

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