Thursday, October 22, 2009

chariot carrier

Found this article on the Skinny Skis website and liked Robin's "new mom" attitude regarding exercise.  We use our Chariot carrier all year round and find it fits our active and non-active activities.  The Chariot isn't cheap but since it offers tons of options so it was a worthwhile purchase for our lifestyle. Its flexibility has made it the go-to for the group gift at all our friend's baby showers.  Skinny Skis is having their 35th Anniversary Sale through Sunday (Oct. 25th) with everything in the store 15% off!  Check it out!


Article by Robin McGee

Pregnant with my first child, I was excited and nervous about what lay ahead. People’s reactions to the news varied from “Parenthood is the best”, to “You better ski and ride your bike now, because you will never be able to again." Hmmm… I knew that my family would come first, but coming from a background of competitive Nordic skiing and mountain biking, I had hoped to be able to continue to enjoy these activities postpartum.  Fortunately, the doomsayers were wrong. My son is now 11 months old and I have been able to exercise plenty and even do a few races here and there. This is in addition to being an involved parent and working full-time. Do I have the same time and energy to train and exercise like I used to? No. Do I recreate enough to keep me happy and healthy? Absolutely!

Being flexible and creative are crucial, as your new exercise schedule will revolve around your family. Childcare is an option for some parents and a great way to get in some recreation, but it can get expensive. Trading childcare with your partner or other families is free and is an easy way to allow for time for yourself or with your partner. Another good choice is training with your child in tow using a Chariot or similar carrier system. The Chariot CTX system is quite innovative and made with the athlete parent in mind. With just a few adjustments, with the same sleek unit you can ski, run or bike with your child riding in style. Most kids love exploring the outdoors and are soothed by motion.

When you have the opportunity to get out, use your time wisely as your time and energy are limited. While you might not be able to train for long periods, you can still fit in all the principals of good training - distance, interval, strength, and recovery – in shorter workouts. Depending on your situation, you may have to adjust your training expectations and goals as a new parent to reflect your available time and energy.  Of course, your family comes first and there will be days when you cannot train for a variety of reasons. You child may be sick, the weather may be adverse, or you simply may be too tired. It is important to do your best, improvise, and enjoy your new role as a parent.
You don’t have to give up your fitness goals when you become a new parent but parenthood may require some modifications in your routine.  Embrace the change, be creative, and have fun with your little one!

-Robin McGee, is a Skinny Skis Nordic Ambassador, Team Alpina member, and former Professional Mountain Bike racer.

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