Friday, October 23, 2009

homemade face paint

Grainger wants to be "Batman Fireman" for halloween. What does this mean? Well, he originally asked to be a fireman so I bought the costume. Then a friend at school wore a batman outfit into class one day and he was hooked. We can't return the fireman costume so I decided to combine the two into one fantastic kid design. To pull off the "batman" part I plan on making him a black mask. I have had allergic reactions to the costume make-up you buy at the store so decided to make my own. Here is a recipe I found. Super easy with most of the stuff already in your pantry. And the best part? Edible so you don't worry about your toddler licking it off! (can't imagine it tasting too good though)

Homemade Face Paint

3 TBLS + 1 tsp cornstarch
2 tsp white flour
5 tsp vegetable shortening
1/8 tsp food coloring or fresh juices
1/4 tsp glycerin (cake decorating & craft stores)

In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and flour. Stir in vegetable shortening. Add any food coloring you would like. Stir in the glycerin; mixing until well combined.

Use your fingers or a makeup sponge to apply face paint. Use small brushes or your fingertips for detailed designs. Pat with powder to set.

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