Tuesday, October 20, 2009

sleep my child (part III)

Wow, what a day and night we had.  Kiki cried and fussed 12 straight hours.  She would only settle down if you held her and didn't move.  Then, out of nowhere she would start crying again so we would rock and sway her back to a light sleep allowing us to rest in between fits.  She turned 5 months old yesterday and her gifts are two new teeth.  They haven't popped through yet but we can feel them; two little teeth on the bottom gums.  Nothing helped yesterday, I tried teething medication from the organic grocer, baby tylenol, a frozen teether, wet washcloth, my knuckle and my finger rubbing the swollen area.  Finally around 12:30am she settled down enough to be placed in her swing where she stayed alseep until 5:30am.  All the books and doctors say this will only last a few days - thank goodness!  Any suggestions on what worked for you?

P.S.  sugar-free red bull is helping me get through the day

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