Wednesday, October 14, 2009

chicken and noodles

I realize I have been posting quite a few entries about cooking lately.  When the weather turns to cold I get busy in the kitchen.  I start off with soups then work my way to baking breads and then finish off with a roast chicken or beef with lots of root vegetables.  I am still in my soup stage.  Yesterday I whipped up my Chicken and Noodles.  This is an easy stand by for any cold weather weekend.  The only part of the soup that isn't homemade are the noodles.  I just don't have the time or the patience and have found that Grandma's Frozen Noodles are as close to homemade as you can get. The whole process takes 3 hours but most of it is spent simmering on the stove.

Chicken & Noodles

1 whole chicken - cut up (if you can't find one already done have the butcher do it for you)
6 carrots
6 celery ribs and the leaves from the bunch
1 medium onion
parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme
chicken bullion (I prefer the paste over the cube - better flavor)
1 box (8-10 cups) good chicken stock
1 package of Grandma's Frozen Noodles
salt and pepper

Remove as much skin off the chicken as you can.  Place in stock pot.  Fill the pot with cold water until it just covers the chicken.  Add 3 washed but unpeeled carrots, 3 celery ribs with the leaves, half of the onion (cut in very large pieces), 3-5 peppercorns, and 1 tsp each of rosemary, sage, parsley, thyme.  Bring to a boil then turn down the heat and simmer for about 2 hours.  Remove chicken and place in large bowl to cool.  Strain the liquid and vegetables into another large bowl removing all vegetables and peppercorns (throw that away as you have cooked the nutrients and flavor out).  Pour liquid back into stock pot and keep at a low temp on the stove.  Now you will be removing the chicken meat from the bone.  I don't wait very long for the chicken to cool as the heat doesn't bother me.  Pull the chicken off the bone in small pieces adding to the stock pot (I like to shred it between my fingers).  Careful that there are no bones or skin included.  Discard the bones and fat.  Add the chicken stock and return to a boil. Add 3 peeled carrots and the remaining celery ribs, cut into 1/2 - 3/4 inch pieces.  Dice remaining onion and add to the soup.  Add 1 TBL of chicken bullion.   Slow boil for 5 minutes.  Follow directions on package for the noodles and add to the soup.  Bring back to a boil for 10-15 minutes.

This is where I allow my taste buds to finish the soup.  I add about 1 TBL of salt and some pepper to taste.  If I think it needs more flavor I add some of the herbs from before and I may throw in a little more bullion if need be.  Play with it!  When I was growing up we served this over mashed potatoes.  If I don't feel like such a heavy meal I serve it alone with a side of fresh-out-of-the-oven cornbread or biscuits. My 3 year old LOVES this soup!

*NOTE:  the noodles soak up quite a bit of the liquid.  For leftovers just add a little chicken stock to the soup to create the consistency you desire.  This recipe makes a large amount but freezes really well.

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